Patanjali Ayurved and Cannabis

India’s Growing Cannabis Market and Entrepreneurs

Then twenty-year-old management graduates Nikunj Ahuja and Kunaal Kapoor from Mumbai were smoking cannabis in their room when they got a bright idea. Eight years later, that idea made these men CEOs of an e-commerce … Read more

Marijuana is Safer than Alcohol

5 Reasons Marijuana is Safer than Alcohol

Marijuana is losing the stigmatic fog that previously surrounded it. This plant is more accepted than ever. It is legalized for medical and recreational use in scattered areas around the globe. Many people state that … Read more

Japan Allowed First Ad Promoting CBD

Japan Allowed First Ad Promoting CBD

Japan’s culture is often emphasized and reflected in their people’s hard work, diligence, and dedication in anything they do. Most of the time, the stereotype that they operate like a part of a bigger societal … Read more