Going Green for Sleep Aid: Can Marijuana Restore Your Natural Sleep Cycle?

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An ongoing discussion about the legalization of marijuana in some states and across the world is still slowly progressing, mainly because of its long history of a bad reputation.

However, studies are showing positive recognition of cannabis as a medical utility and there is a growing number of patient testimonies that support the role of cannabis as a sleep aid.

Studies show that marijuana may help treat insomnia and ease nightmares associated with mental illnesses like anxiety and PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Although potential side effects are present, it is undeniable that the usefulness of cannabis in the medical field is a potential that is being slowly unearthed.

How Marijuana Helps with Sleep

As far as the recorded history goes, cannabis has long been used as a sleep aid.

There are around 50 to 70 million U.S citizens adults that experience sleep disorder according to the American Sleep Association.

Since sleep is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health, this controversial cure surely is of help to those who experience insomnia or any sleeping disorders.

So, how does marijuana help with sleep?

The research on marijuana’s possible sleep effects dates back to the 1970s wherein the plant is known to induce a state of relaxation and drowsiness which could help to induce sleep.

Dr. Matt Roman, a medical marijuana physician, stated that cannabis sativa is an effective sleep aid due to the compounds restorative effect on a person’s natural sleep cycle.

Although there are many different elements found in marijuana, these are the two most commonly studied components, namely:

Cannabidiol (CBD)
Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound which is responsible for the individual’s feelings of general wellbeing. This compound has been found to have a therapeutic effect on people whose sleep is disrupted by anxiety or PTSD.

What is CBD?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive component which causes the feelings of being high. THC is also responsible for inducing sleep, and a study has been shown that ingesting higher levels of THC reduces the amount of REM sleep of an individual.

This can potentially mean the reduction of nightmares especially for those who experience Post-Traumatic Disorder.

The REM stage is still an essential part of sleeping for a healthy cognitive and immune functioning, and marijuana with higher THC levels might impair the sleep quality of an individual if taken long-term.

If you want to find out how these cannabinoids interact with our body watch the below video with Dr Teh, Cannabinoid Clinician explaining them in great details:

How to Apply Marijuana as a Sleep Aid

Commonly, marijuana is ingested through smoking it as a joint or with a pipe. However, if you are not fond of that method due to personal reasons, then you could try marijuana as a sleep aid through vaping devices or THC-rich tinctures, which are dropped under the tongue.

So, how much marijuana should you use?

Dr. Jordan Tishler, a Harvard-trained physician, and cannabis therapeutics specialist, has stated that knowing the right dose for you goes a long way. What you need to be reminded about is that you should avoid overdosing and re-dosing if you awaken within four hours of the time that you need to be up.

Lastly, take note of how you feel after you ingest marijuana since the feeling of being high can vary from a slight euphoria to a slowed sense of time and to an enhanced sensation such as the cottonmouth.

What You Should Be Aware Of

What you should be aware of when taking this treatment is that an individual’s sleep can actually be impaired by regular use of marijuana. In terms of lifestyle, it is possible that cannabis use can make an individual addicted to it and may have a further negative impact on mental wellbeing.

When considering cannabis as a way to induce sleep, you should consult your doctor and a cannabis therapeutic specialist so that you will be guided in your treatment.

THC and CBD Dosage for Falling and Staying Asleep

On the other hand, here are some of the following natural methods that you may incorporate with your lifestyle to promote quality sleep:

• A sleep conducing room, which is preferably cold, dark and quiet
• A scheduled time for sleep and waking up
• Exercise
• Avoiding caffeine or alcohols especially close to bedtime


Further studies about both positive and negative effects of marijuana on a human’s body are still ongoing and slowly progressing. In this sense, if you want to try marijuana as a sleep aid then make sure to have the guidance of your doctor and a specialist.

If you’re scared to take this step, then there are lots of over-the-counter drugs which can help induce sleep. Again, visit your doctor for assistance and read more about sleep aids through visiting websites like Pharma Quotes for more information.

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