Weed Measurements Guide

Weed Measurements Guide

No matter where you live in the U.S., most people know that weed is a slang word for marijuana. Some use weed for medicinal purposes. In other words, they have a prescription for medical marijuana … Read more

How Many Ounces to a Pound of Cannabis?

Why are CBD Prices Confusing?

Going shopping for CBD oil products can be quite a taxing experience. Several brands use overly vague descriptions on their merchandise like “CBD helps with your disease” or “live healthy daily”. Shoppers might have a … Read more

Cannabis Grams into Ounces

How Many Grams in an Ounce?

Those who are new to smoking marijuana, and sometimes even the experienced, most often than not, are still confused on how many grams are there in an ounce. Technically speaking, an 1/8 of an ounce … Read more