The Great Marijuana Organizations Fighting for Legalization

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The great battle for the truth behind marijuana legalization is being brought to light by various marijuana organizations all over the world, who believe in its medicinal value and other benefits to man.  

The great organizations who have fought for marijuana since its prohibition have had countless battles throughout the years with institutions, who dismiss its true benefits and most especially, the government. These organizations have been active on a national scale, aiming toward bringing sensible drug policies to an international level. They are usually non-profit organizations, who strive to make a difference…

So, who are these great organizations?

In this article, we will get to know some of the groups of people who have been there since the beginning of the “war on drugs” and the prohibition of marijuana. These organizations were established to promote the medical, recreational and industrial use of cannabis, which proves to be beneficial today.

The Great Marijuana Organizations Fighting for Legalization



NORML- marijuana-organizations

Date it was founded: 1970

Founded by: Keith Stroup

Established in the 1970’s, NORML is the most well-known of all marijuana groups that ever existed. Today, it has umbrella organization in different parts of the world, including countries like Spain, Norway and South Africa. The organization has been the main front for the public in the debate opposing marijuana prohibition especially for those, who reside in the United States.

Executive Director, Allen St.Pierre is now leading the NORML working staff in DC, and the organization has already contributed to several victories in legalizing medical and recreational marijuana use in some states. The organization is also pushing for the reform of marijuana laws in different parts of the world.



The Marijuana Policy Project - marijuana-organizations

Date it was founded: 1995

Founded by: Rob Kampia

Established in 1995, the Marijuana Policy Project’s main goal is to decriminalize the use of marijuana and to keep its users away from prisons.

The organization aims to see marijuana being regulated the same way as alcohol. The organization has been running ballot initiative campaigns, lobbying for legislation in congress, passing bills for the reform of marijuana laws that can promote the proper regulation of cannabis to its users.

Recently, the Marijuana Policy Project has aid to push a win on an amendment to the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill that will help state-legal marijuana businesses an easier access to banking and other financial services.



Drug Policy Alliance - marijuana-organizations

Date it was founded: 2000

Founded by: Kevin Zeese, Ethan Nadelmann, George Soros

Founded in 2000, the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) aims to promote sensible drug policy reforms and is actively involved in the process of legislation. It oversees to roll back the excess of the drug war and block new harmful initiatives the government has towards prohibition.

The Drug Policy Alliance envisions a society, wherein the use and regulation of different drugs are grounded in human rights, science, compassion and health and because of this, people will no longer be punished for the intake of substances in the body, but only for crimes committed against other individuals.



veterans for medical cannabis access- marijuana organizations

Date it was founded: 2010

Founded by: Al Byrne-Lcdr

Al Byrne-Lcdr, founded Veterans for Medical Cannabis in 2010. The Veterans for Medical Cannabis encourages the research on medical cannabis as an alternative treatment, especially to PTSD patients. The organization also helps protect the rights of veteran patients and healthcare professionals by advocating for safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic uses. Its goals are:

  • To encourage the rescheduling of cannabis by the federal government.
  • To serve veterans as an educational and patient advocacy resource on medical cannabis related issues.
  • To work with Veterans Health Administration on crafting medical cannabis policy and ensure that veterans affairs medical staff are well- informed on the latest medical cannabis findings.
  • For state laws to allow the medical use of cannabis towards medical conditions such as chronic pain and PTSD.



MAPS - marijuana organizations

Date it was founded: 1986

Founded by: Rick Doblin

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies was founded on 1986. MAPS is a non-profit research and educational organization with a mission that aims to develop medical, legal and cultural contexts for people to benefit from the careful uses of psychedelics and marijuana.

MAPS’ goals are:

  • To develop psychedelics and marijuana into prescription medicine for public use.
  • To establish a network of treatment centers with well-trained therapists.
  • To help in scientific research into neuroscience as well as research in the creative and spiritual realms.
  • Public Education about the benefits and risk of marijuana and psychedelics.



Students for sensible drug policy - marijuana organizations

Date it was founded: 1998

Founded by: Shea Gunther

This organization founded in 1998 is a network of international students who seek to give out to the public, relevant information on the effects of the “War on Drugs” to our society.

SSDP aims to encourage the youth to be involved in the ongoing drug war and to fight for sensible drug policies. The goal of the SSDP is to organize meeting and discussion all over the world, to help young people share an honest conversation about drugs and its questionable policies.



The American Medical Marijuana Association - marijuana organizations

Date it was founded: 2000

Founded by: Steve Kubby

Founded on the internet on the early 2000’s, the American Medical Marijuana Association has been fighting on the front lines to protect American patients, fighting for the right to use medical marijuana as an alternative form of treatment.

The organization is composed of a group of volunteers working together towards political activism to preserve and protect the rights of medical cannabis patients. The American Medical Marijuana Association has proven to be a successful organization and has been given official recognition for its efforts by the United States Government, stating that the website has been successful in promoting the reform of medical marijuana through its advocacy.



Americans For Safe Access

Date it was founded: 2002

Founded by: Steph Sherer

Founded on 2002, Americans for Safe Access (ASA) aims to provide the safe and legal use of cannabis for therapeutic reasons. To be able to provide quality products to its medical patients and have proper education about the use of medical marijuana.

ASA’s goals are:

  • Eliminate the stereotype and the stigma that the war on drugs created regarding cannabis.
  • To regulate the use of cannabis like herbal medicine.
  • For federal and state conflicts about medical cannabis laws to be resolved.
  • Quality and legal medical access for cannabis both for therapy and research across the nation.

The organization has done a lot since it was founded and have been consistent in providing the cannabis community with extraordinary results directed towards marijuana legalization. The latest project of ASA, the PEACE for PATIENT CAMPAIGN achieved its goals, to put an end to the federal war on medical cannabis patients.

One Battle, One Goal, One Journey

marijuana organizations

The different organizations that have been relentlessly fighting for a cause in the reform of  laws on marijuana prohibition need our help.

Through countless efforts in pushing legal ideals to be approved by the government, these organizations seek to bring justice and social acceptance to medical and recreational marijuana use.

The stigma that surrounds marijuana being labeled as a harmful drug with no medicinal value is rapidly fading away. Thanks to research and studies proving marijuana’s true value as well the number of patients who benefited from its medicinal properties, the nay-sayers are now finding less ground to argue on.

Marijuana, which is not given the proper acceptance it deserves in society is simply outrageous, considering the countless research and applications for the marijuana plant in various fields like agriculture, medicine, and the food industry, it can even lead to a potential boost in today’s global economy.

Do you have an organization fighting for marijuana in your country?

Share it with us in the comment section below!


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2 thoughts on “The Great Marijuana Organizations Fighting for Legalization”

  1. I learned some new information today from this blog. That’s is indeed a good analysis regarding that many organizations have fought for legalization of marijuana so that every state could able to export marijuana legally . Thanks for sharing this informative thoughts with us!

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