If you have received a remarkable benefit from using Cannabis, tell us your story to help support the legalization of Cannabis.
Here is a quick guideline to help you writing your story
- Your story will be published on its own dedicated page. The suggested minimum length is 300 words and it can be as long as it needs to be.
- The content must be original, not published anywhere else on the internet.
- If you wish, send us any images that you’d like to be published with your story. Make sure we have the right to use them.
Suggested structure to follow
- Introduce yourself and your situation
Feel free to share as much as you feel comfortable with e.g. your gender, age group, location etc.
- Your relationship with Cannabis
– How did you hear about Cannabis as a potential solution for your situation?
– What did you think of it before you tried it?
– What was your first experience like with Cannabis?
– How it has changed or how is it changing your life?
– How is it helping your condition and/or wellbeing?
– Your method of consumption and regularity of use?
– Is it causing you any challenges to use Cannabis (sourcing it, applying it, stigma, what others think and so on)?
– Is Cannabis legal where you are?
– Anything else that you think may help others in similar situation.
Please confirm the name you’d like your story to be published under and send us a few words about yourself for your author profile. If you prefer to stay private just let us know, we are happy to work around it.
Send your story to [email protected]