Is Organic Marijuana Worth It?

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Have you ever noticed that special jar of cannabis at your dispensary?  The ones with the gold labels that proudly pronounce their product as organic are tempting at the least.

But, are they worth it?

True, organic cannabis comes with a higher price tag; however, what does that mean?  Here is everything you need to know about organic marijuana so you can be a pro at spotting the good stuff.

What Makes Marijuana Organic?


The key to the perfect organic strain of marijuana is in the way that it is planted and harvested.  This process is fairly similar to the way that organic fruits and vegetables are grown.  Even organic cannabis has to follow a set order of guidelines in order to be considered organic.

It all starts with the soil.  The soil or ground in which the marijuana is planted has to be 100% natural.  This means that there can be no man-made pollution or additives.

It isn’t only the soil that needs to be vetted either.  There needs to be plenty of natural sunlight as well.  This can pose a problem for indoor growers who don’t live in the right climate for marijuana growth.  This is one of the things that set organic cannabis apart from most other strains.

Also, the nutrients which feed your plant need to be natural and pure as well.

Most importantly, marijuana plants need to be free of pesticides and other synthetic products.  This isn’t an easy feat for just anyone to accomplish either.

The soil, ground, and water need to be tested before you can produce certified organic products.

Is Organic Cannabis Better?

Before you head out to find the best organic strain for you, you should first understand what it means for your smoke.  Many people believe that organic weed is the ultra cannabis product and the holy grail of marijuana production.  Organic marijuana gives a much stronger taste and smell than cannabis produced non-organically.  This is because the growing process was given much more care and attention.  Also, without synthetic lights and chemical nutrients, the product is going to have a very distinctive smell and taste.

The other big thing that sets organic marijuana apart is how consistently it grows.  This has everything to do with allowing the plant to commune with nature without little interference.  Many people believe that because of this, the product will be stronger when it comes to THC levels.  Organic marijuana is also a cleaner and smoother smoke which can help make the process more enjoyable.

Another key point that makes organic weed superior is the way it affects the environment.  It is no surprise that organic marijuana is better for the world.  This is because there are no synthetic chemicals being put into the ground and soil in order for the plant to grow.

Also, because organic marijuana doesn’t use unnatural light, there will be energy saved.  Many people also believe that because the whole process is natural, smoking organic cannabis is better for your body.

What Organic Strains Are The Best?

While there is nothing wrong with using marijuana that isn’t grown organically, there is no harm in trying an organic strain.  Here are some of the best organic strains out there that you should try out next time you hit the dispensary.

  • White Rhino


This organic Indica strain is perfect for pain management and sleep disorders.  The crisp taste is perfectly paired with the smooth rich smoke.  There is even a hint of fresh berry to give the taste some tartness and flavor.  When it comes to potency, this strain is on top of the game with a high THC count and body high.

  • Strawberry Kush


This fan favorite combines a sweet flavor with a rich organic smoke.  The best part about this strain is that there is no skunky aftertaste.  This strain is perfect for relaxing night it because it is a mellow Indica.  This strain is easily recognizable by its sticky feel and its shiny crystals.

  • Organic Purple Kush


This organic Indica has a serious couch effect so use sparingly.  After a few puffs of this grassy strain, you are headed for one wild night in.  You can immediately tell the difference with this organic bud by how smooth and clean the smoke feels in your lungs.  Just remember that with this strain, less is more.  So take it slow and cancel your plans out.

Final Thoughts

Next time you’re trying to decide on what strain to pick up, reach for that gold label.  The best way to know if an organic strain is right for you is to give it a try.  Organic strains are also great for delicate lungs.  The smooth smoke is great for reaching that ultimate high without a cough.  Good luck.

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1 thought on “Is Organic Marijuana Worth It?”

  1. From my first smoke of my own organic weed I have never gone back. Coughing and alike nearly gone? Has to be caused by dispensary chemicals.


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