What Are Gravity Bongs and Their Benefits

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Whether you want to smoke cannabis as a veteran or an intermediate smoker, gravity bong is your savior. They are great for consuming smokable substances. They share an important position in the world of smoking.

The name comes from the Thai word ‘baung’ which has a literal meaning of a bamboo tube. The tube was anciently used by people to smoke weed.

However, gravity bongs now are much more advanced than a simple bamboo tube. It is essential to follow the proper method while smoking the gravity bong to achieve hundred percent results. To learn more about gravity bong and its advantages keep on reading.

How Do Gravity Bongs Work?

The basic function of any bong is to filter and cool the smoke. Gravity bongs funnel the smoke through water before pushing it into the lungs of the smoker. They generally feature small bowls that hold weed and water in the bong.

To consume the weed, you need to inhale from the bong. This makes water in the bottom of the bong percolate or bubble. The smoke from the weed rises up and finally cools through the water before entering your lungs. Hence, bongs push condensed smoke into the lungs that result in bigger hits.

Which Type of Gravity Bong Should I Choose?

Bongs are essential water filtration devices. Limitless varieties of bongs are available in the market which comes in various designs. However, there are two basic materials used to create a bong; one is glass and the other is plastic. The products that are made of plastic are considerably cheaper.

Moreover, plastic gravity bongs are not as fragile as glass. They are more durable and if broken, you just need to tape to fix that.

In comparison, with the glass water pipes, there will be a much better smoking experience as there will be no added acrylic taste. Moreover, they are less toxic than plastic bongs.

You can also choose the bong that has suspended glass filter bubbler bongs. They provide the best puff experience.

Benefits of Gravity Bong

Gravity bongs force high concentrated smoke right into your lungs. They generate more smoke in comparison to a pipe or a joint and also provide purest tasting hits.

Here is a list of various benefits of smoking gravity bongs:

  • It creates a large amount of smoke once at a time.
  • Gravity bongs are affordable and fit any budget.
  • There is no wastage of weed while using them.
  • Huge availability.
  • They are easy to clean and also fit in small spaces.


Also known as the water pipe, gravity bong is a filtration device and is similar to hookah. Water is the main source of their power in bongs and you can use these water pipes for smoking cannabis, tobacco, or other herbal substances. With the use of a bong, you will be able to generate and utilize more smoke at once.

Are you looking to purchase a gravity bong soon? Get the best one soon!

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