How to Get Marijuana Out of Your System?

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You might need to get marijuana out of your system at some point – and fast! 

Even in countries where cannabis is legal, some companies still like drug testing, including trying to find traces of marijuana. Those who might need it medically or even have it recreationally every so often risk losing employment over enjoying some cannabis flowers

In which case, is there a way to get marijuana out of your system? Yes. 

The next question is more about how you can do so. Understand how long marijuana is in your system to learn how to flush it out effectively. Find out how here. 

How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

Before trying to get marijuana out of your body, you should first understand how long it can stay within your system. You might be surprised that a few factors contribute to how long marijuana can remain in you. Once you know what they are, you can better understand how to get marijuana out of your body faster. 

The factors influencing how long marijuana stays in your system are as follows: 

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) 
  • Metabolic Rate
  • Dosage 
  • Frequency
  • Administration
  • Potency

Naturally, if you’re smoking lots of marijuana and doing so frequently, you can expect it will be harder to flush out marijuana from your system. Furthermore, if you have highly potent marijuana, which is high in THC, it will stay longer in you. Also, it’s harder to get rid of marijuana that you have eaten as an edible. 

Depending on these various factors, marijuana can stay within your body for up to 1 to 30 days.

best way to take cannabis bud / consume cannabis

How is Marijuana Detected in Your System?

Now you understand what can cause marijuana to stay in your system for a long time. However, knowing how marijuana is detected in your body is duly important – especially if you’re getting drug tested. Knowing the technicality of it can give you a better idea of how to tackle detoxing marijuana from your system. 

The way drug testing works to detect marijuana stems from measuring cannabis’ chemical substance called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its by-products (metabolites). These markers showcase you’ve used marijuana even after the effects have worn off for a long time. 

However, not all drug tests are the same. The way it’s detected will be different from one another. In this case, you must know what kind of drug test you will take to prepare for detox properly. 

Here are the various drug tests used to detect marijuana:

Urine Testing

For urine testing, detectability can vary depending on the frequency of use from the last time you used it. Let’s say you only used one time from a spur-of-the-moment decision to smoke a joint at a party. In this case, you would need to wait three days to get it out of your system. If you have marijuana more often, you might be a moderate user – which constitutes using it four times per week. That means waiting a week for it to get out of your system. But, if you smoke daily, you can expect it clear within 10-15 days. Meanwhile, stoners who smoke multiple times daily will need to wait more than 30 days to get it all out of their system. 

Saliva Testing

Saliva testing might leave you with short notice on detoxing properly. The reason stems from how it can detect marijuana within 72 hours of use from a frequent smoker. It’s said with saliva testing that THC is detected in oral fluid longer. However, its metabolites are only present in saliva when marijuana has been smoked or ingested. Keep this in mind if you’re ever on the road since some places use saliva roadside testing

Hair Testing

Hair testing might seem unorthodox, but it is not unheard of for them to get done. If anything, it’s a bit more extreme. Many might not realize it, but hair drug testing can assess drug use for up to 90 days. 

When it comes to marijuana and your hair, the cannabinoids in it can reach your follicles from your small blood vessels and even from sebum and sweat surrounding the hair shaft. With most hair growing 0.5 inches per month, a 1.5-inch hair segment close to the scalp can reveal marijuana use from the past three months. 

If anything, this drug testing takes the most prep time, and you won’t pass if it springs up suddenly. 

How to Detox Marijuana from Your System?

Thankfully, there are ways you can get marijuana out of your system. Again, remember the factors above to know what method is best for detox. 

The most popular forms of detox are as follows:

  • Detox drinks
  • Detox pills
  • Cranberry juice
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Lemon & water

Mostly, these are targeted toward the urine testing method since it’s the most common form of drug testing. The idea is to urinate as much as possible until all traces of marijuana are gone—many check to see their levels by buying home tests before the real drug test. 

However, it’s important to be aware of the side effects of some detoxes since they can make your urine sample suspicious. Since you’re washing out your kidneys from urinating frequently, it shows up altering creatine in urine, which seems like contamination. As a result, it could mean taking another test, or the tester might assume you were trying to cheat your drug test. 

Marijuana can stay in your system for a long time – which is why various testing caters to it. Hopefully, this gave insight into how to properly detox marijuana from your system and pass your drug test! 

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