The Legality of CBD Oil in the UK & Northern Ireland

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The CBD industry is growing larger than many other markets in the health sector. One report claims that by the year 2024, this industry is expected to be worth at least $20 billion.

CBD oil, a product that contains Cannabidiol, which is a compound found in plants that form part of the Cannabis family, has been shown to possess several medicinal properties.

The compound has been proven to alleviate pain, to assist in the management of anxiety, and it could provide several neuroprotective advantages to the human body.

Due to the connection that CBD holds to Cannabis plants, some people are still confused regarding how these products will affect them.

The additional fact that the use of Marijuana remains illegal in many areas, including Northern Ireland, adds further confusion regarding the legality of these products.

Now let’s take a look at whether or not it is legal to buy and possess CBD oil in Northern Ireland. And give you some pointers on where you can purchase these products.

Why is There Confusion Regarding the Legality of CBD?

First, it is important to consider why so many people are confused when it comes to discussing the legality of CBD.

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a type of Cannabinoid chemical that is possessed by plants that are part of the Cannabis plant family. Many plants form part of this family, with the most common being Marijuana and Hemp.

When talking about Cannabis, most people tend to think about Marijuana. This is the plant that is often smoked by people as a recreational drug.


Marijuana contains a high concentration of a compound known as THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also a Cannabinoid. The significant difference between CBD and THC is the fact that Tetrahydrocannabinol possesses psychoactive properties. This means that a person is likely to experience a “high” when they use it.

CBD products found in local health stores, however, usually contain Cannabidiol that is extracted from Hemp plants. Even though Hemp is also a type of Cannabis plant, it contains a low concentration of THC.

In most cases, laws state that Hemp plants should contain less than 0.3% THC content. This level of THC is not enough to produce psychoactive effects.

Hemp is also considered legal in the majority of countries, while the laws regarding Marijuana is still stringent in most locations.

Is CBD Legal in Northern Ireland?

Northern Island, part of the UK, is known to have several strict rules in place when it comes to products like CBD.

The good news is, however, that the country does have a program that allows companies and farmers to apply for a license to grow Hemp plants. This particular program is quite strict in how the Hemp needs to be grown and states that any CBD product that is derived from Hemp should contain 0.2% or less THC content to be considered “legal.”

Hemp Farming

With this in mind, people are allowed to buy and use CBD products in Northern Ireland, as long as the conditions stated above are met. This, however, does not make it easy to obtain CBD products in the area.

In the majority of cases, you will find that most health stores in Northern Ireland tend to carry a range of hemp-based products, including seeds and protein powders. However, there is still a lack of stores that stock CBD oil and related items.

When buying CBD products in Northern Ireland and you still feel concerned about the legality of the items, simply take a look at the label and perhaps ask the manufacturer of the oil a certificate of analysis. Ensure that the THC content found in the product is 0.2% or less.

For those concerned about the trace amounts of THC that are found in these products, a number of companies have also developed strategies for producing CBD oil that contains no THC content at all. This might be something worth looking at.

Where Can You Buy CBD in Northern Ireland?

As noted previously, CBD oils and other products that contain these compounds in the Northern Ireland region seems to be hard to find for many people.

Fortunately, as CBD oils become more popular throughout the world, including in Northern Ireland, the availability will improve as well.

CBD Oil in the UK & Northern Ireland

At the moment, there are some pharmacies in the area that stock CBD products. You will also find a couple of CBD specific stores from popular brands, including Provacan CBD. Certain stores that sell CBD products online would also be able to provide shipping to Northern Ireland.

When shopping for CBD products, you should be careful, however. Even though CBD from Hemp is considered legal, always carefully read the labels and make sure to thoroughly research the brand that manufactures the oil before you make a purchase.


With CBD products becoming more popular all over the world, there are still a lot of people who are concerned about the legality behind these items. In Northern Ireland, Hemp can be legally grown by farms, but under strict rules.

While hemp seed can be readily found at the majority of health stores in the country, the availability of CBD oil is still somewhat limited.

People interested may obtain these products from their local stores and online eCommerce stores. Consumers should be aware that the oil is legal as long as it is extracted from Hemp and contains a THC concentration that is below the legal limit.

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